Enjoy What’s Left

“Enjoy What’s Left” is an audiovisual composition where the creators seek combine creation processes driven by intuition, imaginary of science fiction and possible near futures. The story is set in a plausible adjacent to the real world, where mysterious entities visit the earth to study it and exercise a form of energetic-magical power, leaving its mark on earth. The plot combines imageries of epic narration and plot abstraction, thanks to the freedom of creation that 3D design allows. With different rhythms and emotional resources projects a list of events to come for our civilization, based on emotion, strangeness and spectacularity, leaving aside the traditional rationalization of history.

Juan Octavio castiñeira (AR)
With a background in photography, filmmaking and digital media Okytomo’s work invites us to explore worlds derived from streams of thought and given form using mixed digital media. Influenced by surreal and sci-fi imaginaries, Okytomo takes us through the journey of a new virtual landscape, a novel form of reality where anything and everything is within the reach of the mind.