Earth’s Answer
Wandering between the scientific and the psychedelic, EARTH’S ANSWER is a reflection on the meaning of images, their nature and durability (and a homage to the poem Earth’s Answer by William Blake). We follow the thread of the thoughts of a man who could be just well an astrophysicist, CERN archivist or a musician. In his mental and sensorially graphic journey, the narrator leads us in a reflection on the infinitely large and the infinitely small, memory and machines, entropy… and worlds in formation…
Giulia Grossmann (FR)
Giulia Grossmann forges links between fiction and reality, blurs boundaries between documentary, representation and staging. From her projects, Native American to Pasaia, she takes an ethnographic look on myths appropriation phenomena and utopias. Whether taking place in mountains, jungle, desert or cosmos, her films connect human beings to space. The ecumene is a term that implies a relation between human beings and their environment, some kind of Encompassing (Karl Jaspers) going for geography. If a human being is created with his temporality, he is also created with his spatiality, his own and mastered view of space. These projects have been shown in various exhibitions and festivals in France and abroad, in particular at the FID Marseille, Imagine Science Festival (New York), Jeune Création (Le centquatre), Environmental Film Festival Australia (EFFA), Instants Vidéos, The Armory (Pasadena), Comfort Station (Chicago), FEST (Portugal), FIFEQ (Montreal), Escales Documenatire, amongst others.