Do You Feel Connected?
The installation “Do You Feel Connected?” is a real-time data visualization. It consists of nineteen tubes. Each tube represents a specific value built of 19 separate beams of light, each of which represents a specific value such as love, wisdom, creativity, kindness, and empathy, which has its own hashtag (e.g. #love). Each time a Twitter post containing a hashtag attributed to a specific value is published, a dedicated tube emits bright light. Together they make a whole, a palisade reacting to a constant flow of data uploaded online. This way, the installation represents a collective of connected people. “Do You Feel Connected?” is a project prepared by the infuture.institute, it is a part of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute’s main programme pillars ‘Lem & the Future’, the aim of which is to promote the work of Stanisław Lem and Polish futurological thought among foreign audiences.
infuture.institute (PL)
infuture.institute (Natalia Hatalska, Olga Jankowska, Zuza Bonecka, Aleksandra Kulińska, Aleksandra Trapp and Marek Gawdzik) is a forecasting institute, which defines and describes major trends and indicates their consequences. The institute monitors and analyses all factors contributing to fundamental changes in a given category in a specific timeframe (short-, mid-, and long-term). With the aim of researching the future, the institute was established by Natalia Hatalska and today cooperates with futurists, trendwatchers, anthropologists, psychologists, sociologists, culture experts, and other scientists. In this project infuture.institute has cooperated with Marta Flisykowska. Marta Flisykowska Ph.D. is an artist, researcher and lecturer interested in the human element in the field of technology. Intuition, imagination and aesthetics are crucial for her. She incorporates them within her research on the cultural code and its materialization. She expresses her fascination with space and futurology in projects, exhibitions, and publications. Technical support: Robotic Association SKALP (Mateusz Dyrda, Patrycja Matejek, Mateusz Witka – Jeżewski, Adam Strużynski) and Rafał Rzeczkowski